Share your voice and insight on the topic of writing and wellness in the Riverside County Writer's Showcase

What is the Riverside County Writer's Showcase?

Group of StudentsAre you a high school student who loves to write? Do you want to showcase your writing skills and share your unique voice with others? If so, the Riverside County Writer’s Showcase may be just what you're looking for. This year’s theme is writing and wellness, and we can’t wait to see what you come up with. The writing prompt will be released on Thursday, February 29, 2024, so mark your calendars! Participating students and their families will be invited to our Riverside County Writer’s Showcase Dinner & Celebration on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., where you’ll get to enjoy readings from our Riverside County Student Poet Laureates, a guest speaker, and select readings from showcase participants. This is an incredible opportunity to get your work recognized and appreciated by your peers, teachers, and the community. So, what are you waiting for? Use the link below to register today!

When will the showcase be open for submissions? Who can participate?

The showcase is open to any Riverside County high school student, and it will be open for submissions February 29, 2024 - April 18, 2024.

What are the rules for the showcase?

The complete rules will be available by Thursday, February 29, 2024, but here are some highlights.
  • Must be the student's own work. 
  • Students may research the showcase topic as necessary, but all ideas that are not the writer's own must be credited with internal citations and in the Works Cited section of the paper. 
  • Do not include a cover page. Works Cited does not count toward the paper’s word count.
  • Student's may make only one submission.
  • Student's must turn in an outline, and rough draft, as well as the final draft for their paper.
  • The essay must be 500 to 1,500 words in length (approximately two to six double-spaced, 11-12 pt. font).
  • Although the writing prompt may ask for personal reflections on the topic, no personally identifiable information that might reveal your name, location, or school can be included.

What is the writing prompt?

The writing prompt for the Riverside County Writer’s Showcase is as follows: 

Writing is a uniquely human experience used to communicate even across time and space. Argue whether or not the ability to express oneself competently in writing is essential to our social, emotional, and/or mental well-being. In an essay of 500 to 1,500 words, elaborate upon a combination of credible information and examples from your own experience to support your argument. Be sure to address counterarguments where appropriate and document the source of ideas that are not your own in MLA 9 format.

How can I participate?

To register for the showcase, high school students must register at After registration, participants will be sent an invitation to the Writer’s Showcase Google Classroom where they can access the writing prompt, the rubric, the complete rules, graphic organizers, and other materials for the showcase. 

Register Here