This program is available to all Riverside County Office of Education students 18 – 22 years of age who meet criteria as established by the Project Workability staff and state mandated guidelines. Students are placed at community-based employment training sites and earn wages. Many students are, based on their ability, hired after they complete their educational training.

The WorkAbility I (WAI) program is funded by a grant from the California Department of Education Special Education Department.  WorkAbility I is a nationally recognized school-to-work program that offers special education students, ages 16 and over, with an Individualized Education Program (IEP), the opportunity to complete their secondary education while also obtaining marketable job skills for success in the modern labor market.  

The mission is to promote the involvement of key stakeholders (Educators, students, families, and community & business partners) in planning and implementing an array of services that will culminate in a successful transition to employment, lifelong learning, and quality of life for the students.

Services may include:

  • Career & Vocational Assessment
  • Career Awareness & Exploration 
  • Pre-employment skills training
  • Self-Advocacy/Disability Awareness
  • Life Skills/Independent Living
  • Job Coaching   

The RCOE WAI program seeks employers in our business community who will give students with special needs a chance to prove themselves in a competitive integrated employment setting.  Please contact us for further information and to be part of the RCOE WAI Team!

For additional information regarding WorkAbility I, please visit the California Department of Education Website.